
Video content from Anis Heydari can be found at this link.
On-camera examples are available by clicking here.
Selections of full stories are available below.

Anis Heydari reports live from Calgary on January 1, 2021 after a police officer was killed, struck by the vehicle of a driver trying to flee a traffic stop.

A new Calgarian’s musical instrument is back in playing shape, after an incredible journey that started with bullets in Baghdad nearly destroying a cello while saving a cellist’s life.

A Calgary man calls out an website for potentially revealing the death of his father to his mother, who suffers from dementia. Original, exclusive journalism from CBC Calgary’s Anis Heydari.

Anis Heydari works solo as a videojournalist, reporting for all platforms, from the site of a train derailment just hours earlier.

For CBC Radio’s The Cost of Living, Anis Heydari tries out a product from — and finds it’s not quite what he, or his face, expected.

A quick trip to circus school had Anis exposing one of his biggest fears on CBC Radio, CBC Television, and online.

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Dementia patients and their caregivers reconnect through a choir program – ORIGINAL, EXCLUSIVE STORY

Anis Heydari talked to a lot of women named Nicole for this story.

A trip into a secret nuclear bunker hidden outside the Rocky Mountains.

Social video turnaround within less than an hour after footage comes in from the field.

The RCMP is retiring dogs trained to sniff marijuana as it becomes legal in Canada. An original story shot and reported by Anis Heydari for digital, radio and television.

Story matched by CTV National News a week later. CBC version was aired across local stations including Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton through to St. John’s.

Shot, cut, edited and filed completely from the field while working alone.
A CBC News exclusive report on electricity problems for an Essex business.

Anis Heydari hosts a Facebook Live for CBC Calgary at the local comic convention.

Reporting live via Dejero into CBC Calgary News at 6 PM from the Calgary Expo.

Anis Heydari’s reporting for CBC Windsor gets over 275k views on Facebook alone.

Two surviving triplets speak with the CBC’s Anis Heydari about the loss of their sister in an accident that killed four people in Arizona.

Reporting live for CBC News Network on Canada Day in Calgary 2018.

TOV (Text over Video) created for CBC Windsor Facebook / Twitter.

Radio Newsreading from Windsor Morning.
Script written and read by Anis (Rob) Heydari.


The Cost of Living
– CBC Radio – Network
February 11, 2022

The blockade at Canada’s busiest border crossing is costing millions of dollars a day. Manufacturing on both sides has seized up as the flow of goods has slowed to a trickle — and not just for the auto industry. Anis Heydari explores what happens if things don’t return to normal at the country’s front door to commerce.

The Indicator from Planet Money
– NPR (United States)
June 24, 2021

The closure of the US-Canada border hit Canada’s tourism industry hard. Businesses in border towns were hit even harder. As talks of reopening the border take place, Anis Heydari reports for National Public Radio on what the border closure did to both the United States and Canada.

The Cost of Living
– CBC Radio – Network
February 21, 2021

Light industrial space has replaced downtown offices as prime commercial real estate in cities across Canada. A lot of the interest is driven by the spike in demand for warehouse storage — due to both online shopping and excessive inventory from business closures.

Producer Anis Heydari tries to imagine how these big, boxy structures are reshaping our cities.

The Cost of Living
– CBC Radio – Network
January 3, 2021

Why are projections about the housing market wrong so often? Predicting the Canadian real estate market is as common as arguing about the weather forecast. But what happens when those guesses are wrong? Do we get soaked or roasted? Anis Heydari gazes into the crystal ball and finds out the consequences of getting a housing market forecast wrong.

The Cost of Living
– CBC Radio – Network
December 13, 2020

What’s it like to actually work for on-demand delivery apps? Anis Heydari hears from drivers about the pros and cons of taking on a delivery gig. He also crunches the numbers to find out just how hard it is to make a living driving.

CBC Radio – Network News
– CBC Calgary
October 14, 2018

A cello, ridden by bullets in Iraq, is brought back to life in Canada. Nominated for an RTDNA award for best use of sound.

The Eyeopener
– CBC Calgary
August 8, 2018

The mall is tracking your location as you shop. Anis Heydari explains for the Calgary Eyeopener.

Here and Now
– CBC Toronto
October 12, 2017

Anis Heydari chats with Gill Deacon, Colette Kennedy, Karen Johnson about topics like a giant yellow duck in Toronto’s harbour.

Ontario Morning
– CBC Toronto
November 1, 2017

Newscast written, produced, anchored by Anis Heydari.

The Homestretch
– CBC Calgary
April 30, 2018

LIVE debrief with afternoon radio host Doug Dirks after a body is found inside the wall of a shopping centre bathroom in downtown Calgary.

The Eyeopener
– CBC Calgary
August 13, 2018

There’s a hidden nuclear bunker just outside Canmore, Alberta. Anis Heydari explored it for CBC and told the Calgary Eyeopener all its secrets.

The World This Hour
– CBC National Radio News
May 26, 2018

Calgary renames Langevin Bridge to Reconciliation Bridge.

Original Journalism
– CBC Calgary
April 21, 2018

Fake obituaries appear online for some of the Humboldt Broncos.
An exclusive story, matched by Canadian Press three days later.

The World This Hour
– CBC National Radio News
December 16, 2017

Aired across Canada on CBC Radio One and CBC Radio 2, and across North America on Sirius Satellite Radio.

Fresh Air
– CBC Windsor
June 2017

The unique story of a Chatham movie house turned beer brewery.

Local News / The World This Hour
– CBC Calgary
May 26, 2018

Original journalism – RCMP retires pot-sniffing dogs.
Matched by CTV National News a week later.

Fresh Air
– CBC Toronto
September 25, 2016

Ontario-wide newscast followed by chat with program host.

World This Weekend
– CBC National Radio News
June 4, 2016

Steven D’Souza reports on Muhammad Ali’s death.
Produced and mixed by Anis Heydari in Toronto.


Please find below a small selection of items written for

Sharing salary information can narrow wage gaps — but studies show more equality can mean less pay

Anis Heydari explains how wage transparency — open data on what everyone makes in a workplace — can sometimes lead to different outcomes than expected.

A series exploring how a mysterious new Zellers store appeared in Quebec, after the Hudson’s Bay Company seemingly lost control of the trademark for the legendary, defunct national discount retailer. Web links include audio segments produced for The Cost of Living.

Iran plane crash fundraisers shut down by GoFundMe without explanation

After a CBC News investigation by Anis Heydari, GoFundMe released funds to Canadians trying to support the surviving families, in Canada, of those who died in Flight PS752 in Iran.

Total of 6 Calgary Stampede chuckwagon horses dead after 3 more put down

After witnessing three horses die in a Calgary chuckwagon race, Anis Heydari files for all CBC platforms – local and network television, national radio news, and digital platforms. The story broke late on a Sunday night with limited editorial support and zero technical support.

Here’s why milk comes in bags in parts of Canada

This story was the top story across all of CBC and CBC News digital platforms for several months in early 2020, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, with millions of views and hours of engaged readership time.

Interventions on Shaw’s application to the CRTC shot up from less than two dozen to more than 150 in an 8 hour period after the first story was published.

Obituary website sells memorials for Humboldt victims without family permission – ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION, followed / matched by Canadian Press several days later.

The mall could be tracking you as you shop – ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION

This story was one in a series co-authored and investigated by Anis Heydari that resulted in Canadian authorities investigating a major retail landlord.

Luxury SUV fraudulently purchased with $156K loan and a stolen identity – EXCLUSIVE

Inside the bunker that brought the Cold War to Alberta’s Bow Valley

Calgary parents criticize delays in vaccinations – EXCLUSIVE

British expat heads to London to fight for her pension

Lakeview Community Association wants to block traffic from Tsuut’ina First Nation

Field trip to anti-abortion rally not a ‘good use of student time’: Alberta minister

No hydro service causes expensive delays for Harrow, Ont. manufacturer – EXCLUSIVE

‘I can’t communicate in my language’: Canadian Hearing Society strike hits Windsor’s deaf community